A democratic government is said when the government mechanism to realize the principles of democracy. In the view of Robert A. Dahl, there are seven principles that should exist in a democratic system, namely:
1. Control over government decisions;
2. Election of a careful and honest;
3. The right to vote and to be elected;
4. Freedom of expression without the threat;
5. Freedom of access to information;
6. Freedom of association.
Meanwhile Inu Kencana more elaborate further on the principles of democracy by:
a. The division of powers;
b. The existence of free elections;
c. The existence of an open management;
d. Individual freedom;
e. the independence of judiciary;
f. The recognition of minority rights;
g. The existence of the rule of law;
h. The existence of a free press;
i. The existence of several political parties;
j. Their deliberations;
k. Parliamentary approval;
l. The existence of constitutional government;
m. The provision of democratization;
n. Lack of oversight of public administration;
o. The protection of human rights;
p. The existence of good governance;
q. Competition expertise;
r. The existence of political mechanisms;
s. The existence of state policy; and
t. Their governance responsibilities mengutamajan.
Atmosphere of democratic life is a dream for mankind including humans Indonesia. The principles of democracy that have been mentioned above then poured in a more prakis concept to be measured and characterized. These characteristics are then used as a parameter to measure the level of implementation of functioning democracy in a country. To measure a country or government in carrying out its governance said to be democratic can be seen from the 4 aspects.
First, the problem of formation of the state. We believe that the process of formation of power will determine how the quality, character, and the pattern of relationship that will awaken. In the meantime, elections, believed to be one important instrument to allow berlangsunya a process of establishing good governance.
Secondly, the basis of state power. This problem concerns the legitimacy of power keonsep and directly accountable to the people. Third, the structure of state power. Distribusif state power run to avoid the accumulation of power in a "hand / region". Implementation of state power itself must be organized in a system of rules that limit as well as providing a corridor in the implementation. Existing rules should ensure at least two main things, namely:
1. Allows for desentraisasi, to avoid centralization.
2. Allows restrictions, so that power is not to be unlimited.
Fourth, the issue of control of the people. Are the various corridors is already by itself will run a process that allows awakened a good relationship, which is a symmetrical power relations, has a clear connection and a mechanism that enables check and balance against the run kekuasaann executive and legislative.
In the opinion of Rais criteria on democratic parameters, namely:
 a. Natural participation decision making;
b. Equitable distribution of opinion;
c. Educational opportunities;
d. The availability and transparency of information;
e. faksoen heed to politics;
f. Individual freedom;
g. Spirit of cooperation;
h. Rights for the protests.

Another opinion expressed by Sri Soemantri stating that the said democratic state if:
a. Law adopted with the approval of the people's representatives freely chosen;
b. Hasiln pemiliu can result in change of the government;
c. Government must be open;
d. Minority interests must be considered.


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